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Welcome to West Horndon Village
A community website serving the local residents in the village and surrounding areas.

Quattro Sponsor

Neighbourhood Watch

West Horndon has a neighbourhood watch team, made up of local residents who help the village maintain a safe environment, this page will contain the latest news and information for residents and local businesses

The West Horndon Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinators are: Jeannette Suters, Nicola Giles and Nicola McNicol. We meet up generally every other month in The Christabella Wing where PC Rebecca Charge, our Community Police Officer, holds her regular Community Surgery.

Dates for the Community Police Officer Surgery are:

13 th October 2018

12 th January 2019

16 th February 2019

13 th April 2019

15 th June 2019

Please come and discuss any issues that you have with PC Charge. At these meetings you will also

find out the latest crime figures for the Village and also any initiatives which are taking place to

combat crime.

There is a West Horndon Neighbourhood Watch Facebook page for those residents wanting to post

any current suspicious activity in order to make other residents aware. BUT PLEASE REMEMBER you

should always call 101 in the first instance to report such activity or if an emergency please (ACTUAL

CRIMINAL ACTIVITY) then call 999.

You can also email PC Rebecca Charge: 75948@essex.pnn.police.uk

Or call her on: 101 - Ext. 42075948

For more information please see our current newsletter for Brentwood: saferbrentwood.com

Latest Post - Peter Salmon - Neighbourhood Watch
Please be aware - Rochford Ave (Shenfield) has been targeted by people pretending to be from Brentwood Borough Council. They are cold calling and offering a FREE Safety Alarm System to residents. However, it is then turning out that it will cost around £2,000. We understand they are doorknocking in the Shenfield area today but of course they could move around the Borough this week. They do NOT represent the Council. Police are aware and are trying to locate.

Known Scams

Tax Band Scam

The following information was issued by Epping Forest District Council. Individuals outside of the district may still be approached:

Epping Forest District Council officers have become aware of a company operating in the south of the distric offering services to householders to get their Council Tax band reduced. This company, when knocking on people's doors are claiming to be from "Council Tax" and giving people the impression they are from the council, when they are not. Anyone using the company's services should be aware that should it be successful in getting a Council Tax band reduced, the company will take a share of any overpayment. We would urge people to check for ID, read carefully any document before they sign it, seek advice if they need from the Council Tax section or the Valuation Office Agency (which determins a property's Council Tax band), and get a copy of any signed document.

EFDC would like to stress that if anyone feels their Council Tax band is too high they themselves can contact the Valuation Office Agency on 03000 501501, and would then receive the full refund should their band be reduced. For general Council Tax advice, contact the Council Tax team on 01992 564188 or 564189.

Telephone Scam

A telephone call was received purportedly from the Metropolitan Police at Hammersmith. They said her bank account had been vandalised by “someone” and they had removed a large amount of money from it. The bogus police even gave her an incident number and told her to telephone them back on the number they gave her to verify the truth of the incident. Thankfully the resident had the forethought to look up the number of the Hammersmith Police and they confirmed the incident number and the telephone call were bogus.

They in turn informed Brentwood police who called on the resident late that last evening, took a statement and asked if they caught the culprit would she be prepared to prosecute.

Contact Details:

Email: westhorndonnw@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westhorndonneighbourhoodwatch

REMEMBER to report anything suspicious, however small. If in doubt always call:
Police Enquiries: 101
Real Emergencies: 999

If you are a member to the Neighbourhood Watch Group in West Horndon, please provide us:
with any further contact details if required, when and where meetings take place, contact numbers etc. Please email details to: contact@westhorndonvillage.com

Safety Roadshow


Current Newsletter for Brentwood: saferbrentwood.com